# Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text. excerpt_description: true
# Read more button # If true, the read more button will be displayed in excerpt section. read_more_btn: true
<!-- more -->
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# Sidebar Avatar avatar: # Replace the default image and set the url here. url: #/images/avatar.gif # If true, the avatar will be dispalyed in circle. rounded: false # If true, the avatar will be rotated with the cursor. rotated: false
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# Social Links # Usage: `Key: permalink || icon` # Key is the link label showing to end users. # Value before `||` delimiter is the target permalink, value after `||` delimiter is the name of Font Awesome icon. social: #GitHub: https://github.com/yourname || fab fa-github #E-Mail: mailto:yourname@gmail.com || fa fa-envelope #Weibo: https://weibo.com/yourname || fab fa-weibo #Google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || fab fa-google #Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourname || fab fa-twitter #FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || fab fa-facebook #StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || fab fa-stack-overflow #YouTube: https://youtube.com/yourname || fab fa-youtube #Instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || fab fa-instagram #Skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || fab fa-skype
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hexo new page "categories" hexo new page "tags" hexo new page "about"
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Menu Settings # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Usage: `Key: /link/ || icon` # Key is the name of menu item. If the translation for this item is available, the translated text will be loaded, otherwise the Key name will be used. Key is case-senstive. # Value before `||` delimiter is the target link, value after `||` delimiter is the name of Font Awesome icon. # When running the site in a subdirectory (e.g. yoursite.com/blog), remove the leading slash from link value (/archives -> archives). # External url should start with http:// or https:// menu: home: / || fa fa-home about: /about/ || fa fa-user #tags: /tags/ || fa fa-tags #categories: /categories/ || fa fa-th archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive #schedule: /schedule/ || fa fa-calendar #sitemap: /sitemap.xml || fa fa-sitemap #commonweal: /404/ || fa fa-heartbeat
# Show Views / Visitors of the website / page with busuanzi. # Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi busuanzi_count: enable: true total_visitors: true total_visitors_icon: fa fa-user total_views: true total_views_icon: fa fa-eye post_views: true post_views_icon: fa fa-eye
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npm install hexo-abbrlink --save
# 根目录下的 _config.yml 文件 permalink: posts/:abbrlink.html abbrlink: alg: crc32 # 算法:crc16(default) and crc32 rep: hex # 进制:dec(default) and hex